Posted on January 24, 2022January 24, 2022Categories advice, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, leadership, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , ,

Speak life…

It’s interesting how people who haven’t… or wouldn’t… or maybe they couldn’t make the moves that you have made… But it’s interesting how these people are quick to offer unsolicited advice that oftentimes isn’t applicable to your specific circumstances… And it’s equally interesting when these same people expect an explanation regarding why you don’t want to listen to this unsolicited advice… Heavy emphasis on the advice being unsolicited because I am not saying that you shouldn’t consider perspectives that are … Continue reading “Speak life…”

Posted on January 17, 2022January 17, 2022Categories advice, anticipation, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, leadership, Monday's musing, reflection, support, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , , ,

Be the change…

Building something from scratch, be it a recipe, a relationship, or a company… is A LOT of work… Ok… recipe may be a little extreme… But when I set out to begin my entrepreneurial journey… I never thought it would feel so lonely… And the crazy thing about that statement is the fact that it’s not like I don’t have friends or family that I talk to… because I do… But I have yet to really find my “tribe” who … Continue reading “Be the change…”

Posted on January 10, 2022January 10, 2022Categories advice, decisions, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, leadership, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , ,

Courage over comfort…

Choose courage over comfort… It would be so much more comfortable to stick to the same ol same ol routine and NOT pursue your dreams… It would also be more comfortable to NOT have to battle fears and insecurities while simultaneously stepping out of your comfort zone to try to gain more exposure for your brand or company… It would also be more comfortable to NOT have to consider whether trying to sell yourself to potential clients and customers is … Continue reading “Courage over comfort…”

Posted on December 27, 2021December 27, 2021Categories advice, anticipation, decisions, fresh start, grief, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, isolation, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , ,

There’s beauty found in starting over…

So once again I have “restarted” my workout journey… And though I guess technically it hasn’t been a month since my last workout, whenever I take a longer than expected break from working out, my body feels like it is experiencing the first workout… Starting over is never fun, but I have been thinking a lot about the beauty that can be found in having to start over… And I have also grown to appreciate the fact that I always … Continue reading “There’s beauty found in starting over…”

Posted on December 13, 2021December 13, 2021Categories advice, decisions, growth mindset, hopeful, hopeless, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , ,

It’s worth the work…

It’s so interesting how we can believe the lie that someone has a low opinion of us based on our own insecurities… I walked around unknowingly carrying around shame and condemnation for DECADES… I walked around believing the lie that others could see how worthless I felt… I walked around not really putting effort into relationships because I didn’t want to get too attached… It’s crazy how our own insecurities can keep us in a mental prison… It’s crazy our … Continue reading “It’s worth the work…”

Posted on December 6, 2021December 6, 2021Categories advice, anticipation, conflict, growth mindset, hopeful, hopeless, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , ,

What a time to be alive… Part 3

I often have to remind myself that my hope can’t be rooted in the “hope that things will get better…” And I’m not saying that I am not hopeful that things will get better… because I am… But if my hope is solely rooted in the “hope that things will get better…” and they don’t get better in that particular area… my foundation will be shaken… At least that has been my experience… And I think that’s why I struggle … Continue reading “What a time to be alive… Part 3”

Posted on November 30, 2021November 28, 2021Categories decisions, introspection, journal, leadership, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, UncategorizedTags , , , , ,

Sometimes you’re the “bad guy”…

Lead (verb) 1. to go before or with to show the way 2. to guide in direction, course, action, opinion etc. Throughout my professional journey I have come across so many people who wanted to be the boss… But it has been rather unfortunate when I’ve seen someone put into a leadership position who didn’t know how to effectively lead the people who were under their leadership… This has also been true outside of my professional world… If you do … Continue reading “Sometimes you’re the “bad guy”…”

Posted on November 22, 2021November 22, 2021Categories advice, friendships, growth mindset, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags

Break the chains…

It has been pretty interesting trying to start this blogpost… My thoughts are all over the place and there are so many things that I want to discuss, but I can’t seem to find a specific train of thought to ride today… But I will say that it is pretty interesting the way that “hurt people” operate at times because it almost seems like they find some sort of joy in inflicting emotional pain and trauma on the next person… … Continue reading “Break the chains…”

Posted on November 15, 2021November 15, 2021Categories anticipation, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , ,

Gratitude and sadness…

Ok… So I know that time tends to stand still when you are waiting for something to happen… But I feel like it moves that much slower when you are hoping that something will happen, but aren’t exactly sure how things will work out… Or perhaps I am the only one whose life feels super out of whack right now… And… I also know that once I look back on this period of time, though each moment feels like forever … Continue reading “Gratitude and sadness…”

Posted on November 9, 2021November 10, 2021Categories advice, conflict, friendships, growth mindset, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , , ,

What a time to be alive… Part 2

It’s interesting to me how many wounded individuals are out here pretending like they are ok while simultaneously causing mental and/ or emotional damage to the next man or woman because they refuse to do the work that is necessary to address and heal from their triggers… And I know from firsthand experience how hard and painful it can be to dive into past pain and trauma… But isn’t it worth the effort to be able to walk around free … Continue reading “What a time to be alive… Part 2”