What a time to be alive… Part 2

It’s interesting to me how many wounded individuals are out here pretending like they are ok while simultaneously causing mental and/ or emotional damage to the next man or woman because they refuse to do the work that is necessary to address and heal from their triggers…

And I know from firsthand experience how hard and painful it can be to dive into past pain and trauma…

But isn’t it worth the effort to be able to walk around free from that chip on your shoulder?

I also think it’s interesting how many people say that they are “the realest man/woman they know”, yet these same people pretend like they are unbothered by offenses inflicted by their friends and loved ones because they would do anything to avoid direct confrontation…

Exactly what is real about that?  How are you being true to yourself if you don’t address the very thing that is causing you pain or heartache?

And I am not one to pretend like these conversations aren’t difficult at times, but how can we expect things to change if we don’t communicate that things need to change?

I was at a conference recently, and during a breakout session someone at my table said “it is unkind to be unclear…”

It is unkind to be unclear…

Truer words have not been spoken in my opinion, yet so many people have told me that they don’t like to address their frustrations with someone because they “don’t want to be mean”.

But isn’t it more so mean to pretend that you are okay with something that you despise?

Isn’t it also unrealistic to expect that someone “should just know”? 

Yet each and every day so many wounded individuals pretend like they are ok while simultaneously causing mental and/ or emotional damage to the next man or woman because they refuse to do the work that is necessary to address and heal from their triggers…

What a time to be alive…