Speak life…

It’s interesting how people who haven’t… or wouldn’t… or maybe they couldn’t make the moves that you have made…

But it’s interesting how these people are quick to offer unsolicited advice that oftentimes isn’t applicable to your specific circumstances…

And it’s equally interesting when these same people expect an explanation regarding why you don’t want to listen to this unsolicited advice…

Heavy emphasis on the advice being unsolicited because I am not saying that you shouldn’t consider perspectives that are different than your own when you DO ask for advice…

Last, but not least I find it interesting how quickly people tend to speak negativity over your hopes and dreams and aspirations simply because their attempts to do something similar did not work out…

And I am not saying that this is necessarily done maliciously… because perhaps they believe they are being helpful…

But what I will say is that THIS is why I believe it’s important to “speak life” over yourself and your circumstances… because our words really do have the power to affect the outcome of our situations…

I also believe it’s important to “cancel out” the negative words spoken over us by telling these people that “I don’t receive that” or “that’s not true” or something similar… again… because our words really do have the power to affect the outcome of our situations…