What a time to be alive… Part 3

I often have to remind myself that my hope can’t be rooted in the “hope that things will get better…”

And I’m not saying that I am not hopeful that things will get better… because I am…

But if my hope is solely rooted in the “hope that things will get better…” and they don’t get better in that particular area… my foundation will be shaken…

At least that has been my experience…

And I think that’s why I struggle with waiting…

Because sometimes when you are waiting for things that are out of your control, the outcome doesn’t work out the way that you had hoped it would…

So the waiting period ends up feeling like such a waste of time…

But I also know that everything works out for my good in the end…

And this can even be said about disappointments because I generally can look back at some point in time and am grateful for the waiting period or thing that didn’t work out the way that I had wanted it to…

I am trying to remind myself of all of these truths as I wait for things that are out of my control… and adjust my course of action due to disappointments… and keep pressing forward towards the goals that I am trying to accomplish…

I am actually writing this as I’m holding back tears because this season has been pretty exhausting…

And it hasn’t been exhausting due to how busy I am because of all the things that I am blessed to be able to pursue…

I am extremely grateful that I get to spend my time and energy solely focused on pursuing my goals and dreams, and I often ask myself if life is real right now…

But it has more so been exhausting because amidst all of the “successes” that I am having right now… I am still walking through one of the hardest seasons I have had to endure in a long time…

What a time to be alive…