
Posted on January 23, 2023January 22, 2023Categories emotions, fresh start, growth, growth mindset, introspection, isolation, journal, Monday's musing, relationships, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , , , , ,

To my first love…

Hey… I know it’s been a while… And I know I never announced my departure, but I knew I’d be back… I thought I would be back after things began to feel less repetitive and unfamiliar… When you really think about it, that doesn’t even make sense… But nevertheless nothing has really changed in that regard… And in some ways, I’ve learned to embrace the unfamiliar because I don’t really want to return to what I once knew… And even … Continue reading “To my first love…”

Posted on October 17, 2022Categories emotions, growth, growth mindset, healing, hopeful, hopeless, introspection, isolation, journal, reflection, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , ,

Such is life I suppose (part 2)…

Lately I have had to make peace with the fact that certain outcomes haven’t (or may not) turn out the way that I hoped (or hope) they would… The past week has been hella draining and I have found it a little harder to stay focused or find the motivation to do the things that normally bring me joy… I also have unexpectedly cried as I drive from here to there… And then wipe my face before heading into a … Continue reading “Such is life I suppose (part 2)…”

Posted on October 10, 2022October 10, 2022Categories conflict, emotions, freedom, growth, growth mindset, healing, introspection, journal, reflection, thought process, transparency, unbothered, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags

You can believe what you want…

It’s so interesting how you go through life and make different decisions, or have different experiences… And sometimes these decisions or experiences help you decide who you want to become… While other times these decisions or experiences help you decide who you do not want to become… And what I have found most interesting lately, is the notion of people continuing to view me through the lens of who I no longer am… And I used to feel the need … Continue reading “You can believe what you want…”

Posted on October 3, 2022October 3, 2022Categories advice, emotions, freedom, friendships, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, reflection, relationships, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , ,


Known… an adjective that means specified or identified… There is, at times, such an uncomfortable level of vulnerability that is involved with being known… Especially when the trials of life cause feelings and emotions to bubble to the surface that you had all but forgotten about… Or maybe you didn’t forget about them… Maybe your time has been spent denying their existence… Either way it can be extremely uncomfortable to give another person insight into the parts of you that … Continue reading “Known…”

Posted on September 19, 2022September 19, 2022Categories advice, conflict, decisions, emotions, freedom, fresh start, friendships, growth mindset, healing, hopeful, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transparency, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , , ,

If they wanted to know the truth…

There are people who don’t like you… People you have never interacted with… And these people don’t like you because of a version of you they heard about from someone you are no longer in relationship with… And what’s interesting about this is the fact that sometimes the version of you they describe is either a false version or a version of you that no longer exists… I have seen that happen from time to time in my own life… … Continue reading “If they wanted to know the truth…”

Posted on September 12, 2022September 12, 2022Categories decisions, emotions, freedom, fresh start, friendships, growth mindset, healing, hopeful, introspection, isolation, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , ,

Relational Reflections…

Healing is starting to feel really exhausting… And it’s not so much the act of healing itself that’s exhausting… Because once the crying has ended (as that tends to accompany my healing as of lately) I feel freer and less weighed down… But healing is starting to feel exhausting because in some cases I’m still interacting with the very people who have caused the wounds that I am processing and working to heal from… And my healing is starting to … Continue reading “Relational Reflections…”

Posted on September 5, 2022September 5, 2022Categories advice, conflict, freedom, friendships, growth mindset, healing, hopeful, introspection, journal, leadership, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , , ,

How are they supposed to know…

Boundary… Noun… Something that indicates bounds or limits… Something that indicates the farthest limit… Something that communicates how far you are willing to go… Something that communicates what you are willing or not willing to tolerate… Now that I have done a ton of work to heal… Because trust me when I say this has not always been easy for me… But now that I have done a ton of work healing and trying to have healthier interpersonal skills and … Continue reading “How are they supposed to know…”

Posted on August 29, 2022August 28, 2022Categories emotions, freedom, fresh start, growth mindset, healing, hopeful, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , ,

Over and over and over again…

It’s really wild when I think about the fact that I have to make an intentional choice to be fully me wherever I go… Like why isn’t that something that just automatically happens by default? And I’m not talking about professionalism or assessing my environment and behaving accordingly… I’m referring to the moments I still have where I hesitate to expose a part of me that I think won’t be accepted in whatever space I am in… And as I … Continue reading “Over and over and over again…”

Posted on August 22, 2022Categories emotions, fresh start, growth mindset, healing, hopeful, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transition, transparency, vulnerabilityTags , , , ,

The reintroduction…

The past few weeks have been extremely busy… were kind of chaotic at times… and had a little sickness thrown in for a little razzle dazzle… All while I was preparing for an extremely busy yet meaningful weekend… Such is life at times… I hated to NOT be able to post last Monday… but sickness caused me to get behind on a lot of things and this creative outlet had to be sacrificed… Also I will note here that I … Continue reading “The reintroduction…”

Posted on August 9, 2022August 8, 2022Categories anticipation, emotions, fresh start, growth mindset, healing, hopeful, introspection, journal, reflection, thought process, transition, transparency, UncategorizedTags , , ,

New New…

New level… I would be lying if I said that there aren’t times that I miss the old level… the level that didn’t continually require that I shed away so many things that have been such a huge part of who I am… things that are now unnecessary and a hindrance to me moving forward… New habits… I would also be lying if I said that I don’t sometimes miss the ways that I used to cope with frustration, disappointment … Continue reading “New New…”