Sometimes you’re the “bad guy”…

Lead (verb)

1. to go before or with to show the way

2. to guide in direction, course, action, opinion etc.

Throughout my professional journey I have come across so many people who wanted to be the boss…

But it has been rather unfortunate when I’ve seen someone put into a leadership position who didn’t know how to effectively lead the people who were under their leadership…

This has also been true outside of my professional world…

If you do a Google search, you will find so many different perspectives on what makes someone a great leader.  You will also find many different articles that list the important characteristics or traits of a great leader.

I think, however, it is important to note that the people under your leadership will not always understand or agree with the vision that you have for the endeavor that you have been entrusted to lead.  And in those instances, you must do everything in your power to try to humbly and effectively communicate the vision for the endeavor and the course of action.  Once you have done that, you have to stand on your decision and potentially be okay with being the “bad guy” in their narrative.

And I am not suggesting that leaders should be rigid, and unwilling to be flexible, but the purpose of a leader is to guide or direct someone as they are working towards a common goal…

And sometimes leaders have to make tough calls that may upset those under their leadership…

But as I said earlier… leaders have to be okay with being the “bad guy” in someone else’s narrative…