Break the chains…

It has been pretty interesting trying to start this blogpost…

My thoughts are all over the place and there are so many things that I want to discuss, but I can’t seem to find a specific train of thought to ride today…

But I will say that it is pretty interesting the way that “hurt people” operate at times because it almost seems like they find some sort of joy in inflicting emotional pain and trauma on the next person…

And it is pretty wild for me to make a statement like that because I generally try to believe the best about people… but some people make it really hard to accomplish that goal…

Nevertheless, I do my best to remain true to who I am and remain true to the way that I want to interact with people…

I really do my best to operate from a place of love and mutual respect despite the fact that some people make it really hard to accomplish that goal…

Such is life I suppose…

And I know that I am only responsible for the way that I respond to what happens to me, but I really wish that “hurt people” would begin to take some responsibility for whatever is going on inside their hearts and do what is needed to heal so that they can operate from a place of love and mutual understanding, rather than appearing as if they find joy in inflicting emotional pain and trauma on the next person…

And I don’t say that to minimize whatever pain or trauma they have endured…

But at some point, we have to say that enough is enough and break the cycle so that we can become healthy and walk in freedom…

And it has taken me years to realize how unhealthy I was in different realms of my life, but thankfully I have had people around me who were bold enough to point out my unhealthy habits and patterns…

So, from that standpoint I know that “hurt people” generally aren’t intentionally trying to inflict emotional pain and trauma on the next person…

And it is worth mentioning that digging into my own trauma to find out the “why” behind my behavior was painful and messy…

But it is also worth mentioning that it was all worth it to walk in the freedom that I am experiencing right now…