Posted on October 25, 2021October 25, 2021Categories advice, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , ,

Be good to yourself today…

Last week was the busiest week that I have had in a while… And while everything that I gave my attention to fell under the category of “things that I enjoy doing”… this morning I realized that I needed to turn off the alarm and go back to sleep  because my body and mind needed a little bit more time to recharge… It’s so important to be good to yourself and listen to what your body is telling you that … Continue reading “Be good to yourself today…”

Posted on October 18, 2021October 18, 2021Categories advice, decisions, growth mindset, introspection, isolation, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , , , ,

I hope this was helpful…

There are so many things that I could write about and once again I’m finding it hard to decide on one train of thought to ride this week.. So here is a list of a few random pieces of advice related to events that have occurred in the past week or so… 1- Know thyself, be secure in who you are, and be vocal about shutting things down when someone tries to give you a label that does not line … Continue reading “I hope this was helpful…”

Posted on October 11, 2021October 11, 2021Categories anticipation, growth mindset, hopeless, introspection, isolation, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , ,

In the thick of it…

It’s crazy how when you’re going through something… especially something painful… you can get so caught up in what you’re going through that you forget what life was like before the painful situation… I was sick for about two weeks, and this is how it felt the last week of me being sick (which is the reason there wasn’t a blog post last week)… I slept so much, barely ate, and I was in so much pain; but that part … Continue reading “In the thick of it…”

Posted on September 27, 2021September 27, 2021Categories friendships, growth mindset, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, support, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , , , , , ,

Fake people showing fake love…

It’s really interesting how pursuing your dreams has this way of showing you a lot about the people that you have surrounded yourself with… And from what I’m seeing, the people around you can be placed into one of three categories… First, you have the people who genuinely support what you are doing… These are the people who are excited for you and are inspired by your hard work and diligence… These are the people who encourage you when needed… … Continue reading “Fake people showing fake love…”

Posted on September 20, 2021September 20, 2021Categories anticipation, decisions, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , , , ,

For such a time as this..

I’m finding it a little hard to choose one topic to focus on…  And each time that I have attempted to allow you all to ride on one of my trains of thought, my mind quickly jumps to a different track… I guess transition causes my mind to wander in that way… And though I have only knowingly been preparing for this transition for the past 9 or so months… as I continue to reflect on all of the intricate … Continue reading “For such a time as this..”

Posted on September 13, 2021September 13, 2021Categories anticipation, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, isolation, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , ,

Thoughts while in mid-air…

Taking a step of faith is such a wild process… And though I’ve taken many different steps of faith throughout my years on this earth, I can honestly say that there has never been a time that I didn’t doubt my decision… Especially after I’ve taken the step and my foot in kind of dangling in mid-air because it hasn’t quite landed back onto solid ground… Thoughts while in mid-air… Or maybe it’s more accurate for this to say “battles … Continue reading “Thoughts while in mid-air…”

Posted on September 6, 2021September 6, 2021Categories anticipation, decisions, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, isolation, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , ,

Did I fumble… or naw…?

As of lately, I’ve been trying to determine whether or not I fumbled an opportunity that was presented to me… And it doesn’t matter what I’m referring to because I’m sure that everyone can relate to the idea of hesitating to make a decision because you are unsure that it is what’s best for you… But I’ve thought about it a lot the past month or so… and as of lately I’ve been wondering if the door is closed… I … Continue reading “Did I fumble… or naw…?”

Posted on August 30, 2021August 31, 2021Categories anticipation, decisions, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , , , ,

You have two choices…

It’s interesting how oftentimes you don’t discover how wounded you are until you come across something that is different than what you’ve previously experienced… Something that feels right though you’ve only experienced the wrong… Something that seems good though you’ve only experienced the bad… But you know that you’re experiencing it through the filter of your past pain because you don’t trust it… You don’t trust that you can have something right… because you’ve only experienced the wrong… You don’t … Continue reading “You have two choices…”

Posted on August 23, 2021August 22, 2021Categories anticipation, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , , ,

Redemption’s on my mind…

The process of redemption is actually kind of wild when I really think about it, because it generally includes some sort of tragedy or misfortune on the front end of the story… But there is something really beautiful about watching someone come out of a season of struggle or constant setbacks… and come out on the other side stronger and wiser, appearing to be unbothered by the very thing that should have taken them out… If we do the work … Continue reading “Redemption’s on my mind…”

Posted on August 16, 2021August 15, 2021Categories anticipation, growth mindset, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , ,

Allowing the future’s fire to blaze…

For so many different reasons, I’ve been thinking about the past a lot past lately… But let me start by saying that the word “past” is such an interesting word when you really think about it because, though the moment directly preceding this one is technically defined as “the past”, our minds generally tend to wander to events much further back in time when thinking about the past… Anywho… I guess it kind of makes sense that the past has … Continue reading “Allowing the future’s fire to blaze…”