Redemption’s on my mind…

The process of redemption is actually kind of wild when I really think about it, because it generally includes some sort of tragedy or misfortune on the front end of the story…

But there is something really beautiful about watching someone come out of a season of struggle or constant setbacks… and come out on the other side stronger and wiser, appearing to be unbothered by the very thing that should have taken them out…

If we do the work to heal, we will discover that our heart is a lot more resilient than we give it credit for at times… IF we do the work to heal…

I’ve really been working on processing my past pain lately and it has been an interesting process because the more that I dig… the more that I find…

But the more that I find… the more that I want to rid myself of it all so that I can walk in freedom…

Free to love and be loved…

And I am only partly referring to the romantic type of “be loved” because I’ve been closed off in most relationships out of my fear of abandonment… or fear of rejection… or fear of abandonment leading to more feelings of rejection…

But as I’m doing the work to heal, I am discovering that my heart is a lot more resilient than I’ve given it credit for…

And I refuse to subscribe to the ideology that “that’s just the way it is…”

I’ve been through A LOT in my 41 years of life… but as long as I am still alive and breathing… I will continue to work to become as healthy as possible: mentally/ emotionally/ spiritually/ and in my relationships…

Redemption’s on my mind when I think about…