Posted on September 20, 2021September 20, 2021Categories anticipation, decisions, growth mindset, hopeful, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, thought process, transition, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , , , ,

For such a time as this..

I’m finding it a little hard to choose one topic to focus on…  And each time that I have attempted to allow you all to ride on one of my trains of thought, my mind quickly jumps to a different track… I guess transition causes my mind to wander in that way… And though I have only knowingly been preparing for this transition for the past 9 or so months… as I continue to reflect on all of the intricate … Continue reading “For such a time as this..”

Posted on March 1, 2021April 17, 2021Categories decisions, growth mindset, isolation, journal, reflection, transition, transparency, waitingTags , , ,

The journey from here to there…

I remember hearing this teaching where the instructor was explaining the process that a seed goes through to become a plant… The first thing that the gardener does is prepare the dirt and dig a hole… Then they put the seed in the hole… After they’ve placed the seed in the hole… they cover the seed with dirt so that it’s buried… the seed is also alone and isolated while it’s buried… After that the gardener waters the seed as … Continue reading “The journey from here to there…”