For such a time as this..

I’m finding it a little hard to choose one topic to focus on… 

And each time that I have attempted to allow you all to ride on one of my trains of thought, my mind quickly jumps to a different track…

I guess transition causes my mind to wander in that way…

And though I have only knowingly been preparing for this transition for the past 9 or so months… as I continue to reflect on all of the intricate details that will play out in this next season, I am realizing that years have actually been spent preparing me for such a time as this…

It’s funny how life works in that way… 

It’s also kind of hard for me to wrap my mind around because none of what is about to take place was in the timetable that I had scribed in my mind…

Things are happening a lot faster than I had anticipated that they would…

And while I am excited for this transition to take place… I keep wondering if I am really prepared for this next step…

The times are very exciting and also very scary right now…

But the more that I think about it, the more that I realize that life has been preparing me for this; though I didn’t realize that I was being prepared for anything when life was preparing me for such a time as this…   

It’s funny how life works in that way…