Allowing the future’s fire to blaze…

For so many different reasons, I’ve been thinking about the past a lot past lately…

But let me start by saying that the word “past” is such an interesting word when you really think about it because, though the moment directly preceding this one is technically defined as “the past”, our minds generally tend to wander to events much further back in time when thinking about the past…


I guess it kind of makes sense that the past has been riding around on my train of thought because there are so many things happening right now that have a direct connection with events or even dreams that I had in the past…

But there is also a lot of past pain that I am processing through in this season so that the past doesn’t quench the future’s fire as it’s just starting to blaze…

It’s so important to stop yesterday’s losses from hindering tomorrow’s successes…

It’s also important to stop yesterday’s pain and trauma from hindering you from receiving tomorrow’s love that you deserve and desire…

We all deserve to love and be loved, and though I’ve often denied having that desire, the denial stemmed from feeling unworthy of such a desire due to my unprocessed pain…

But someone once told me not to weaponize my trauma by allowing it to hinder me from receiving the love that I deserve…

They said it months ago… but it’s something that just stuck with me because I knew that they were right…

I knew I had become content with defining myself as this broken and wounded person instead of doing the work that needed to be done to process my pain…

But as of lately I’ve been intentional about tending to the matters of my heart so that I can walk in freedom…

It’s hard work and it’s uncomfortable… but it’s worth it…

And though I’ve walked around carrying the weight of it all for many, many years… it’s never too late for a fresh start…