You have two choices…

It’s interesting how oftentimes you don’t discover how wounded you are until you come across something that is different than what you’ve previously experienced…

Something that feels right though you’ve only experienced the wrong…

Something that seems good though you’ve only experienced the bad…

But you know that you’re experiencing it through the filter of your past pain because you don’t trust it…

You don’t trust that you can have something right… because you’ve only experienced the wrong…

You don’t trust that you can have something good… because you’ve only experienced the bad…

And though it could be something that you’ve hoped would happen in the past, you know that the only reason that you don’t trust it is because you can’t fathom things ever being different than the way that they’ve always been…  

That’s such an interesting place to be…

But in that moment (or those moments) you have two choices, and you have to decide which voice will determine your course of action…

Will you allow your fear and insecurities to cause you to push away the very thing you’ve hoped for simply because you don’t believe it could be possible?


Will your fear and insecurities be the motivating force that causes you to begin the process of trying to heal your heart and past hurts so that you can walk in freedom?

You only have two choices… and you have to decide which voice will determine your course of action…