I hope this was helpful…

There are so many things that I could write about and once again I’m finding it hard to decide on one train of thought to ride this week..

So here is a list of a few random pieces of advice related to events that have occurred in the past week or so…

1- Know thyself, be secure in who you are, and be vocal about shutting things down when someone tries to give you a label that does not line up with who you are and what you stand for..

People are so quick to assume that they know your motives.  And they also at times struggle with seeing your growth and try to keep you caged in the box of your former self.

Don’t allow those seeds to be planted in your mind…

2- Entrepreneurship is not as sexy as it sounds…

Being my own boss and solely focusing on growing my company has been great the past several weeks.  But I’d be lying if I said I don’t doubt myself every other day.  I’d also be lying if I told you that I have “more time” now that I’m not also working a full-time job.. because I don’t.  The time is just allocated differently, and I still have a lot of late nights where I’m working on something company-related.

I also have had to step outside of my comfort zone in many different ways… and who really enjoys the growth process lol.

BUT I wouldn’t trade this season for any other season of life.  I LOVE the fact that I own my time and am fully investing into my own dreams.  I also love the fact that I’ve built my company around all of the things that I am most passionate about.  Last, but not least, as much as I hate the growth process, I do enjoy it when I can recognize that I have grown in a certain area.

But I will say this: if you ever decide to venture out and start a business, understand your “why” so that it can be a motivating force when you feel like giving up…

3- Be okay with seasons of isolation when they happen..

It is healthy, and good for your mental and emotional health, to go through different periods of time where you have less interaction with people (immediate family excluded), and are more focused on yourself and/ or your goals.

Sometimes people can distract you from the lessons you need to learn, the blessings you’re supposed to receive, or the progress that needs to be made.

As of now, it feels like I am coming out of the season of isolation that I’ve been in and am diving back into being more invested in the different communities that I am part of.  And the season of isolation was definitely lonely at times, but I know that it was needed for my growth, and to help establish a solid foundation for my company and creative endeavors.

Nevertheless, I still put my phone on “do not disturb” every morning to have some quiet time and journal before I start my day.  Today was the first day that I did that in the middle of the day instead of as soon as I woke up because I overslept and had to rush to get to my appointment on time; and my entire day has felt off track.

Journaling isn’t required in your alone time, but I HIGHLY recommend that you set aside some time everyday to just sit and have quality time with yourself…

But as I said earlier, my mind is all over the place and this is all I have for yall this week…

I hope it was helpful and encouraging…

Talk to you soon!