Did I fumble… or naw…?

As of lately, I’ve been trying to determine whether or not I fumbled an opportunity that was presented to me…

And it doesn’t matter what I’m referring to because I’m sure that everyone can relate to the idea of hesitating to make a decision because you are unsure that it is what’s best for you…

But I’ve thought about it a lot the past month or so… and as of lately I’ve been wondering if the door is closed…

I mean…

Did I really miss out on something that was good for me…? 

At times it’s hard to determine when something is actually good for you without experiencing it…


What if my inability to make a decision simply created the time and space that I’ve needed to determine what it is that I really desire…?

I’ve also been wondering the real reason that I hesitated to make a decision… 

Because I would be lying if I said that the opportunity didn’t, at the very least, pique my interest…

Was my hesitation solely based on my need to figure out what is best for me…?

Or did my hesitation stem from my insecurity, and the notion that I was undeserving of such an opportunity…?

Last, but not least…

I wonder whether the opportunity presenter has spent any time wondering why I failed to make a decision…

Or am I the only one allowing this whole scenario to repeatedly ride around on my train or thought…?

I wish I had the answer to those questions… because I’ve spent a lot of time trying to determine whether or not I fumbled the opportunity that was presented to me…

But as the saying goes… I guess time will tell…