Posted on August 16, 2021August 15, 2021Categories anticipation, growth mindset, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , ,

Allowing the future’s fire to blaze…

For so many different reasons, I’ve been thinking about the past a lot past lately… But let me start by saying that the word “past” is such an interesting word when you really think about it because, though the moment directly preceding this one is technically defined as “the past”, our minds generally tend to wander to events much further back in time when thinking about the past… Anywho… I guess it kind of makes sense that the past has … Continue reading “Allowing the future’s fire to blaze…”

Posted on August 2, 2021August 2, 2021Categories anticipation, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , ,


I don’t know about the rest of yall, but July was a rouuuugghhhhh, rough month… And though I have many things to be grateful for, such as launching my consulting company… #YAY… It felt like it may have been the hardest month that I’ve had in a very long time. Now I’m not going to spend any time going into detail about all of the things that went wrong last month, but I WILL say that I am BEYOND    ecstatic … Continue reading “Excited…”

Posted on July 26, 2021July 26, 2021Categories growth mindset, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags ,

It just is what it is…

There are so many different things that I am working towards… And there are so many battles I am simultaneously fighting in different realms of my life… So I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that my thoughts have been all over the place lately… But life truly seems very surreal these days, and I often find myself asking “is this real right now”… I’ve also found myself quite fascinated by the concept of “family”… I mean it’s just wild to … Continue reading “It just is what it is…”

Posted on July 19, 2021July 19, 2021Categories growth mindset, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transition, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , , ,

Built to do hard things…

I cried a lot yesterday… And I’ve also cried a lot today… I’ve been tired and continue to become more exhausted… And things feel extremely hard to navigate right now… Now let me save you the unnecessary click if you’re thinking that reading this post is going to give you some insight into what’s going on in my life right now… because it’s not… But earlier today I was thinking about how a really good friend of mine has often … Continue reading “Built to do hard things…”

Posted on July 12, 2021July 12, 2021Categories introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, UncategorizedTags , , , , 1 Comment on Something is better than nothing…

Something is better than nothing…

It has been quite the struggle to gather my thoughts together this morning and focus on one thing that I want to write about in this post…  And so much of me wants to just skip this week or try to get something published for tomorrow… I mean it’s not like my publishing schedule is based on someone else’s deadline… But I have really been trying to “stick to the script”, as I like to say, and be consistent with … Continue reading “Something is better than nothing…”

Posted on July 5, 2021July 5, 2021Categories grief, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, support, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , , ,

An interesting observation…

Grief is such a wild thing… and though life must continue to move forward… it seems like the hurt grows deeper with every year that passes… Today is the two-year anniversary of the day my uncle passed away… And June 29th was the six-year anniversary of the day my daughters’ father was killed… So for the past five years, my June 27th birthday has been this bittersweet day where my mind and emotions fluctuate between celebrating my life and bracing … Continue reading “An interesting observation…”

Posted on June 28, 2021June 28, 2021Categories growth mindset, introspection, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, relationships, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , ,

I always bounce back…

For whatever reason, I have always been someone who is a pretty introspective person…  And certain milestones throughout the year tend to send my train of thought even that much deeper into the process of looking into myself… So with yesterday being my birthday, I shouldn’t be surprised that I’ve been deep in thought this morning… My birthday has always been this checkpoint where I pause and reflect on my life… my growth… and my hopes and dreams… But I … Continue reading “I always bounce back…”

Posted on June 21, 2021June 21, 2021Categories growth mindset, isolation, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , ,

Thoughts while on autopilot…

I’m not really sure what’s wrong… but lately I’ve found myself feeling very uninterested in… and unsatisfied with… things that have always brought me joy and made me feel “alive”… And though I am well aware that life isn’t always supposed to be exciting… nothing excites me anymore and everything feels more like a “chore” than a “privilege”… I’m also finding myself questioning everything… Like what’s the point of any of these creative projects that I pour myself into… who … Continue reading “Thoughts while on autopilot…”

Posted on June 14, 2021June 14, 2021Categories growth mindset, journal, Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerability, waitingTags , , ,

Allowing myself to just feel it…

I hate waiting.. I actually think I’ve already written one or two blogs describing how much I hate waiting… But even more than that… I hate when I’m waiting for something… hoping that it will happen… and then things don’t work out the way that I had anticipated… I always describe this moment as the moment that hope and disappointment collide… Sigh… “when hope and disappointment collide… you’re often left standing in the shards of their collision…” It’s such a … Continue reading “Allowing myself to just feel it…”

Posted on June 7, 2021June 7, 2021Categories Monday's musing, reflection, thought process, transparency, Uncategorized, vulnerabilityTags , , ,

What a time to be alive…

It’s kind of crazy how, when I’m presented with the opportunity to ask someone for help when it’s really needed… I don’t.  I mean I literally hate asking people to help me do anything… But don’t get me wrong, I’m not completely stubborn and will receive help when it’s offered… I am just not a fan of being the one to initiate the whole “help me…” process. I wish I could pinpoint the moment in time that I adopted this … Continue reading “What a time to be alive…”