
I don’t know about the rest of yall, but July was a rouuuugghhhhh, rough month…

And though I have many things to be grateful for, such as launching my consulting company… #YAY…

It felt like it may have been the hardest month that I’ve had in a very long time.

Now I’m not going to spend any time going into detail about all of the things that went wrong last month, but I WILL say that I am BEYOND    ecstatic that July is over, and a new month has come

#RIP… well not RIP… rest in hell actually… ok… not like seriously in hell… but you get my point lol


It’s not like I believe that a new month means that things magically get better, because I know that’s not the case.

And even if I did believe that there are still many, many trials that I am walking through right now that constantly smack me in the face to remind me that there are still situations that are unresolved in my life…

But I’d be lying if I said there isn’t something exciting about feeling like I’m getting some sort of fresh start…

I’d also be lying if I said there isn’t something exciting about making changes and doing things differently  based on all the lessons that I learned amidst July’s struggles…

As I said… July was a rough, rough month…

And it was a rough month that was preceded my six other rough months…

But I’d be lying if I said I’m not excited to feel like I’m getting some sort of fresh start…

Even if the fresh start is simply a renewed mindset…