Giving up control…

Life continues to force me to grow in my ability to be patient as I wait for certain things to happen that are out of my control…

And most of the time it has been more so frustrating because I am generally the type of person who will try to do everything within my power to make things happen the way that I want them to or when I want them to…

But there has been such a waiting game that I have had to deal with in this season and while waiting has never been my favorite thing, it has become more annoying to endure as of lately…

And in the waiting my mind has been all over the place as I battle the urge to believe the lie that what I am waiting for will not happen…

But I am starting to realize that the reason I get so frustrated with having to wait is because it’s this reminder that I am not in control of whatever situation is forcing me to wait…

And I’m trying to figure out why not being in control gives me such anxiety… but I have noticed lately that I really hate when I have to yield control to someone else and trust that things will turn out okay…

Growing is such a painful process… but I imagine that it’s healthy to allow others to have control when needed…