Hills and valleys…

The last 10 plus months could easily be classified as the weirdest… and hardest… and dopest… most frustrating… most rewarding… most inspiring season of life where I have endured the hardest trials… have experienced the most emotional, mental, and spiritual growth… and have received some of the most amazing blessings…

I have cried more tears than I knew were contained within my soul… And I say “soul” because that truly is where the pain and tears have flowed out of as I have tried to make sense of the things that I don’t quite understand or am tired of having to endure…

But at the same time I have experienced joy and freedom that I didn’t know was possible… Like I find myself wondering “who am I” more often than not when I realize how different I have become as the byproduct of the growth I have experienced…

Growth that undoubtedly has been experienced because I have not run away from the trials I have faced and instead have dove head first into the madness so that I can just get to the other side of whatever lesson there is to be learned…

It has been a beautiful tragedy as the lows have been some of the lowest lows I have ever experienced, yet I wouldn’t trade this season for anything because I have been blessed with opportunities to pursue dreams that I had forgotten about…

What a time to be alive…