The reintroduction…

The past few weeks have been extremely busy… were kind of chaotic at times… and had a little sickness thrown in for a little razzle dazzle…

All while I was preparing for an extremely busy yet meaningful weekend…

Such is life at times…

I hated to NOT be able to post last Monday… but sickness caused me to get behind on a lot of things and this creative outlet had to be sacrificed…

Also I will note here that I did not have Covid…

It feels like people forget that regular colds and the flu are still a thing…


I can honestly say that I am not the same person I was two weeks ago when I uploaded the last post…

I have had a ton of breakthrough and gained a lot of freedom and am no longer hiding the parts of me that I thought would not be accepted in different environments…

And I’m not even sure how or when I became the type of person who wasn’t fully “me” in every environment…

Or perhaps that has always been an obstacle that I needed to one day overcome…

But I have never felt freer than I do now as I fully embrace and fully reveal who I am in all environments…

So allow me to reintroduce myself… More to come