Such is life I suppose…

I can honestly say that the journey to find healing has been filled with so many twists and turns…

And it’s not like I ever really thought about what the journey would be like…

But as of lately it has been filled with lots of tears and feelings of discomfort as fears and insecurities I had forgotten about have bubbled to the surface of my heart and mind…  

I am also finding myself having to learn new ways to navigate familiar scenarios because “healed me” cannot conduct itself the way “wounded me” did…

And there are so many things that I wish I had been set free from at a younger age… Yet I also know that the pain helped usher in “healed me”… And the pain also has given me empathy for those who have endured similar circumstances…

But I really wish that healing wasn’t this ongoing process where you find more and more ways that you have been existing in a damaged state…

Such is life I suppose…