Caught up in the former reality…

As a creature of habit and a lover of creating habits and rhythms in my schedule…

I have never really been a fan of “change” and have always known that it is hard for me to adjust to things when they are suddenly different…

And it’s not like change hinders me from moving forward… because it doesn’t…

But oftentimes I will just be on autopilot for a while until my mind and emotions catch up with my current reality…

But there have been so many major changes in the past year…

most of which were unplanned…

And last night as I took some time to reflect on the past year, I actually had this moment where I said “I don’t even know who I am right now…”

And while I never really considered that I was basing my identity on the things that are no longer…

I can’t think of any other reason that those changes would cause me to feel this sudden confusion as I try to figure out who I am…

Or maybe I am figuring out who I am not…

I guess I won’t know until my mind and emotions catch up with my new reality…