Fear is a liar…

Fear is such a liar…

It’s wild how the “fear” of something has generally produced way more anxiety than what actually happened when I had to face my fear(s)…

And while I don’t generally let fear stop me from moving forward (although it has happened here and there)… I wish I didn’t begin new endeavors by overthinking and overanalyzing and assuming that the worst possible outcome will happen…

Especially when fear is such a liar…

I have thought about this a lot lately because my career and creative endeavors have started opening doors that are forcing me to step out of my comfort zone…

And I have noticed that more often than not it is necessary for me to listen to that still small voice that tells me to move forward despite everything else in me wanting to submit to the paralyzing fear that is telling me to remain stagnant…

I’m sure that there are many different reasons a person can or will feel fearful…

But insecurity and feeling unworthy seem to be the biggest lies that fear will whisper when it takes a ride on my train of thought…

But fear is such a liar… so I can’t submit to its plea that I remain stagnant…

I have to keep moving forward despite how I feel…