I guess it wasn’t writer’s block this time…

I have been trying to determine whether I was lacking motivation to write…

Or perhaps I was lacking focus…

Or maybe I was too in my head…

But this week it was such a struggle to figure out what I wanted to write about…

And that type of “writer’s block” hasn’t happened since before I started this blog…

As a matter of fact, being unable to articulate myself on paper is honestly what led to me starting my podcast two and a half years ago…

Life is funny like that… because sometimes what we view as a frustration, trial, or inconvenience… is actually leading us on a bunny trail to something so much greater than what we think we’re missing out on…

And at times it’s something that we wouldn’t even have considered if things had gone the way that we had hoped or planned they would…

Lately I have become increasingly grateful for some of those inconveniences because my whole life has changed and looks nothing like I ever thought or imagined it would…

And I have been blessed to do things I didn’t even know I was capable of doing, but they are things I couldn’t imagine not being apart of my life…

And I was able to receive these blessings because things didn’t work out the way that I wanted them to…

But what I am seeing is that things are working out so much better than anything I could have imagined in the most creative version of the way that I thought my life would end up…

One thought on “I guess it wasn’t writer’s block this time…”

  1. I agree that the things that we find as obstacles can lead us to other pursuits. As someone who struggled with anxiety and self confidence, my lack of being open in person led me to love writing.

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