Persistently persevere…

Perseverance is really a pretty wild concept when you think about it because you truly have to act in the opposite spirit that you feel…

And generally, you have to cast your feelings aside while you are simultaneously walking through circumstances that are not favorable towards the outcome or goal that you are trying to achieve…

In those moments your mindset is what will determine whether or not you will persevere because if you believe that you can’t do it… you won’t…

And it’s interesting because even if you tell yourself that you can’t do it… you will make happen in spite of your negative self-talk if you actually do believe that you can do it…

And ultimately you have to be able to see yourself walking in the manifestation of all of your hard work and determination…

But again… this is all happening while everything seems like it’s coming against you to deter you from achieving your dreams…

It really is a time to be alive as all of this occurs…

But life has proven time and time again that anything worth having is worth working for…

And life has also proven time and time again that the journey that you travel to achieve your goals prepares you to be able to sustain them when you get there…

So my encouragement is that you continue to persevere despite what it looks like, and despite how what you are enduring makes you feel…

Because you will never regret putting your all into what you are working towards…

Especially once you get there…