Going through the motions…

Loneliness has been a constant companion lately… and it’s kind of weird to wrap my mind around that concept because I have been interacting with more people on a regular basis than I normally do…

Yet loneliness has still been a constant companion lately…

And I am not one who really needs a ton of interaction with people because that can actually be quite draining to my inner introvert whose hobbies and career have always required extrovert behavior…

But lately I have had this lingering feeling that something is missing and none of my relationships have filled in whatever that void is…

I have also felt kind of empty lately…

And lately may be slightly exaggerated because this empty feeling actually just started yesterday…

But its presence is so large that the reality of time seems kind of irrelevant…

And perhaps there isn’t anyone or anything that can fill in this void… because maybe there’s something within that’s lacking…

But as of now I’m just going through the motions while I do some soul-searching and try to figure some things out…