
Known… an adjective that means specified or identified…

There is, at times, such an uncomfortable level of vulnerability that is involved with being known…

Especially when the trials of life cause feelings and emotions to bubble to the surface that you had all but forgotten about…

Or maybe you didn’t forget about them…

Maybe your time has been spent denying their existence…

Either way it can be extremely uncomfortable to give another person insight into the parts of you that not everyone else is privy to…

I often find that I have to be intentional in those moments because vulnerability has not always been easy for me…

And it’s honestly so much easier to shrink back or shy away… instead of allowing myself to be a little more known…

But isn’t that what intimacy is all about?

And while it’s uncomfortable… there really is freedom that can be found in the moments when you verbally vomit your messy thoughts and feelings onto that person who says they’re a safe space…

I mean can we really say that we have relationships with people if we are not allowing ourselves to be known…